With the shows typically costing $2,000 per minute, these displays need a lot of supporters to continue the tradition. We have some of the greatest people in The Miss-Lou who never hesitate to contribute to the show! Please take a moment to note these persons and businesses and visit them on social media to thank them for their continued blessings of Sponsorships!
Miss-Lou Fireworks is 100% non-profit. All monies collected go straight into the show with none taken for expenses by the Chairman, Sabrina Doré. I do this because I love to do this. I donate my time and resources to collect sponsorships. No reimbursements of any kind are made.
Where does this money come from and where does it go?
In the spirit of complete transparency, below is the master list of show sponsors! Please let them know how much you appreciate all of their donations!
The attached PDF has three pages, be sure to scroll them all to see all of our generous sponsors.
Click on BECOME A SPONSOR to add YOUR name to the list!